Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Siobhan Schwass is Tamatea High School's new Environmental Leader. She came to talk to us about her passion for looking after her school and community. On the way to Porritt School she picked up a full bag of rubbish. She has fun recycling. She wears recycled clothing, her diary is made of recycled paper, it even has a recycled plastic cover. She said she doesn't worry about what people think because she is proud of herself. She has started an Eco Club at the High School and wants to build a worm farm and create compost. Siobhan was impressed at our rubbish bins. She said she wants her High School to do a similar thing. We all enjoyed listening to all the interesting things she has been doing. Thanks Siobhan!


Justin room08 said...

Amazing Eco kids club.

Siobahn Schwass said...

Hello Eco Kids Club!!!
thank you!!!