Monday, March 21, 2011

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is this Saturday, 26th March at 8.30pm. It will be celebrated all around the world by turning off lights. You can join in too at home. Why not commit to doing one thing to help our planet? Here are some ideas and there are more on the Earth Hour website.

Buy locally - don't buy food that has travelled hundreds of kilometres when it can be bought from a local producer. It tastes nicer too!

Don't use any plastic that can't be recycled.

Have a shorter shower.

Don't leave lights on if you're not in the room - no point really, is there?

Can you tell us what you will do? Post a comment to this message.

1 comment:

Mr Fitzsimons said...

You guys have certainly given me a challenge. I know we can turn off some lights in our house and spend less time in the shower. I wonder how successful we can be in our house? I will certainly try.