Thursday, June 6, 2013

Making paper bin liners

Today we talked about how bad plastic is for our environment.

Did you know...

Plastic lasts forever in our environment.  It doesn't break down.

Bottle tops, clothes pegs, lighters, plastic cutlery etc are blown, thrown or lifted by rainwater and carried into the storm water system.  This puts them into rivers and streams that lead to the sea.

The size of floating plastic in the Pacific ocean is about 5.2 times the size of New Zealand.

Small bits of plastic are called 'mermaid tears'.  These are injested by sea birds and fish.

Do you use a plastic bin liner in your rubbish bin at home?  Here's one way to reduce plastic. We learned how to make paper bin liners.  So easy!  So cheap!  And they can be put into the worm farm. 

If you want to know how, ask one of our Eco Kids to show you.