Thursday, May 17, 2012

Planting winter veges

Some of our Eco Kids Club weeded the vege garden today.  It was a great day for it and they did a fantastic job.  It didn't take long before the ground was weed free (almost!) and ready for planting.  At this time of the year the plants need to be hardy and able to cope with cold weather.  We planted Pak Choy - awesome in stirfries, broccoli and spinach. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Welcome to Term 2

Today we had our first meeting and talked about the Kereru.  You might also know it as the Wood Pigeon.  Over the school holidays I was fortunate to be staying where there were several Kereru flying around close by, feeding from berries in the trees.  They make a beautiful sight and have a distinctive 'whoosing' sound when they fly. There used to be thousands of Kereru in New Zealand, but the numbers are dropping and they are in danger of becoming extinct.  Hundreds of Kereru are killed or injured when they fly into windows.  So are lots of other birds.  We made some paper snow flakes to put on windows to help stop birds from flying into the glass and being hurt or killed.

This term we are also going to plant up our vegetable garden with veges that we can use to make vege soup. 

Help!  Can you donate some onion bags?  These are the mesh ones they come from the supermarket in.  Bring them to Room 9 please.