Sunday, October 17, 2010


Recycling electronic waste (e-waste) enables the recovery and reuse of valuable materials and ensures toxic materials are not buried in our landfills - so it's better for our environment.

eDay is an easy way to recycle your old computer equipment and mobile phones in an environmentally sustainable way.

Napier's eWaste Day: 6 November 9am - 3pm at the Napier City Council Depot, Depot Place, Onekawa, Napier.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

McCain's veggie patches truck visit

Today, the McCain's veggie patches promotion truck came to visit our Eco Kids Club. He talked about how plants and seeds grow best. We found out that Hawke's Bay export alot of locally grown veges to Australia. Not surprising, we beat them in most things....!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Our bean sprouts

We need to rinse our bean sprouts each day and keep them in a warm place. It will take about a week before they are ready. We have noticed changes in their size and shape already.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Growing seeds

Do you know which way the roots on a seed grow? Do you know why? We are sprouting our own seeds this week and doing an experiment to find out what happens if we turn a seed upside down...will the roots change direction?

The best part will be eating our homegrown sprouts! Yum!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Earth Hour Result

Thank you once again to all the New Zealanders who switched off for Earth Hour on Saturday 27 March.

So, exactly how many of you did just that?

Our Colmar Brunton poll has revealed that
1.25 million New Zealanders aged over 18 years turned off their lights or appliances for one hour. That's a huge 42% of the population!

Go to the Earth Hour website for pictures of Earth Hour happening around the world.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We had fun!

Today, we made birdfeeders in Room 8. Don't they look awesome? If you want to make one, all you need is an open pinecone, peanut butter and bird seed. The bird seed is specially made for wild birds. Smear it on and tie on a long piece of string. Hang it up and enjoy watching the birds feed from it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Climate Change - what is it?

You might have heard about climate change on the news, in the newspaper or at school. But what is climate change?

Our atmosphere is full of gases, like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and oxygen. These are called greenhouse gases, and these gases are being made all the time. This has always happened, and having the right amount in our atmosphere helps to keep in enough of the sun's heat to warm the Earth. The problem is, too many of these gases are being trapped. Extra gases are made by things like the transport we use, farms and factories, and the energy we need to make technology work. They are holding in more of the sun's rays than ever before, heating up the planet (global warming).

Scientists have found that this build-up of gases is changing our earth's climate. This is climate change.

Visit Search for 'on top of our planet'.

EARTH HOUR - What is it?

This event will take place on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm. Last year, Earth Hour reached a billion people and over half of New Zealand took part!

What do you know about it? Post a message and tell us why it is so important.

Litter free lunch day

We had our first 'litter free' lunch day recently. Many students got involved and brought along their lunches using a container that was 'friendly' to the environment. These included; reusable bags, lunchboxes with compartments, separate containers and paper wrap. Well done all those who took part!

Don't stop now! Let's keep it going and do this all the time - this is one thing we can do to help reduce plastic in our environment.

Welcome to 2010!

We have many Porritt students who are keen to be involved in our Eco Kids Club. It was exciting to have so many turn up at our first meeting.
During 2010, we will continue to look at ways we can look after our school environment and encourage others to do the same. It'll be fun and we'll learn lots along the way!